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How to Get Unstuck When Planning your Goals

I've been walking around lately like the shoemaker with crappy, worn out shoes. Not so much with physical clutter (though there are plenty of toys around the house). But my head has been overflowing with ideas and wishes for how I want my biz and life to look in the future. I just haven't been able to put the pieces together or known where to start or how I would find time to do it all!

I've been playing with trying to plan and set goals for weeks and was just overwhelmed. But this morning something changed...

My Breakthrough morning

I enjoyed some yummy bacon and eggs with my family, then I got some quiet time to myself (thanks to wonderful hubby). I did some yoga for the first time in weeks, I had a slow leisurely shower, and I did a quick tidy up.  Then I sat down with a fresh coffee and a shortbread cream bikky (ok it was 2 bikkies). Time to look at my planning notes and mind maps..

And in that quiet, relaxed state it hit me! I don't even know how the thought process started! It was like the puzzle pieces finally just clicked into place and I had a realisation. There were all these EXTRA pieces that were complicating the "problem." I was trying to do "all-the-things" for too many people.

So I removed those excess pieces! What I'm left with is a clear picture. I know what I need to do, for who and even the beginnings of how!

Ah, that feeling of clarity, relief and the confidence in my purpose.
Oh and a bonus revelation? Those feelings are WHY I do what I do. I want to help YOU feel that way too!

In the coming weeks I'll share more information about how I can help you in 2017. Help you to get organised, be more productive and enjoy an easier life.
But in the meantime here is a breakdown of how you can have a problem solving breakthrough too.

Steps so you can do it too

1. Talk to people about what your struggling with

You don't have to figure it out on your own. Sometimes just saying things out loud is enough to help you see things with more clarity. In recent weeks I have spoken to my coach, my mastermind buddies, and my hubby. If you have staff, get their input too. After all they are in the trenches with you, and might have a different perspective.

2. Write it all down or draw it

It doesn't matter if you are a list maker, or a scribbler. Maybe you love mind-mapping, getting all your thoughts out of your head. Any of these will help you to get a better look at your ideas and start to re-arrange them if needed. I'm a list writer but I also love to use post-it notes to move ideas and thoughts around on a wall.
I also watched this TED talk recently that helps explain how drawing can help.

3. Leave it out where you can see it often

I left my post-it notes up on the wall for a couple of days. I would pass them many times and barely glance at them, other times I would stop and stare and turn things over in my head. It may not feel like it's getting anywhere at the time but trust me, our subconscious can do amazing things.. So give things some time to process up in there.

4. Do something else!

Relax, sleep, exercise, all these are lovely things that we often make ourselves feel guilty about. But to look after ourselves is actually super important for us to work at our best. And by letting your mind and body relax and refresh, we are letting our ideas "stew." Then we can come back to our work with more energy and clarity. Plus! What's the point of all this work if we can't enjoy our life and our loved ones?

5. Take a fresh look

So! After all this come back to it fresh and start with the big picture. Meditate on it if you're into that, or just try to picture what the end result would be in a perfect world. Come back to basics, take out all the "what-ifs" and see what you end up with.

I think sometimes we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to solve problems all in one hit. you know, just sit down and nut it all out in an hour. And then when it's not that easy, we move on to other problems or other things on our to-do list. But in reality some ideas and strategies are like toddlers. You can't force them to come out and do something they're not ready for. But if you love and encourage them, they'll surprise you with something amazing, when THEY are ready.

Goal Setting Resources

At this time of year there are a multitude of goal setting resources out there at the end of a Google search. However, if you would like help refocusing your goals, let me help figure it out! We can work towards your goals right away. Book a call with me today to get started.