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How to ALWAYS know your schedule - using google calendar

It's Step 4 of 7 Steps to Save Time and be free from Overwhelm!  If you've been following the steps, you've set up a few tools so you can quickly find and store the information you need.

Here are the links to the previous steps of this series
Step 1 - Declutter to focus
Step 2 - Passwords
Step 3 - Digital Note-taking

So now we can get into the nitty gritty of managing your actual time!
The first step in this section of the course is to set up your Calendar. This is a specific home for storing information that relates to a particular date and time.

I know that some of you will be very attached to a paper diary or calendar, and if that's working really well for you, you may choose to skip this step. 

That’s totally fine!

Or you may use a paper planner AND Google Calendar.


Step 4 - Set up Google Calendar

But I'm going to recommend Google Calendar and I am convinced it will save you time over paper based or trying to remember, and here's how..

Today's 15 minute Actions

  1. Set up your Google account if needed.

  2. Install your calendar app on your phone, if needed.

  3. Make sure the upcoming week is accurately reflected in your calendar, with ALL your meetings, lunch dates, appointments etc.

  4. Get familiar with the app on your phone. Have a play around with entering events. This will reduce the risk of getting flustered or frustrated when trying to use it on the go. If you are confident with it, you are more likely to keep your calendar up to date and a trusted tool that saves you time.

Other options

As mentioned above, if you prefer Outlook or paper and it really works for you, go for it. 

If you prefer paper:

  • If you still need to keep digital as well for sharing purposes, then make sure you make a time every day to make sure the paper and digital match (of course you lose some of the time saving benefits here)

  • Make sure your paper diary is a size that you can take with you everywhere.

What's next

Once we have your trusted calendar system set up, next we'll start putting it to good use to PLAN your week.

Need more help? Get in touch with me today.