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To-Do Lists - Part 4: Prioritising and Getting it Done

I am a constant student of productivity and time management. I'm always reading and looking for ways to be more efficient and keep on top of what I need to get done. 

One of the most fundamental things that I find helps reduce stress is having everything either in a todo list or on my calendar. That way I know it's recorded and ill be reminded about it later. I don't have to try and remember and worry about if I'll forget it. 

Here are some articles I've been reading lately that have some more great tips on keeping and prioritising your todos.

Improving Your To Do Lists - katemats.com

I recently discovered Kate Mats blog. She's a very inspiring successful woman. This article of hers has heaps of great tips for managing todo lists. She covers a lot of the ways that I handle my own lists.

Eliminate All But the Absolute Essential Tasks - zenhabits .com

Leo babauta is all about minimalism. He says to remove everything from your lists that aren't absolutely necessary to remove the complication and make it easier to get things done.

Why Your To Do List Should Never be Empty - timemanagementninja.com

Craig Jarrow is the Time Management Ninja. He gives a slightly different take here about why your To Do list should always be full! 

Prioritising Your Work - brightskills.ie

This article focuses more on the prioritising of your workload. It has some good points about saying no and thinking about what your overall goals are. 

So! what is your favourite tip for keeping on top of your to do list? How do you keep in control?

Or, what tip are you taking away from these articles to help you get on top of it?

Let me know! Below in the comments or over on the Facebook page!