
Declutter your desk to focus & save time

Declutter your desk to focus & save time

This is about clearing the distracting clutter from your workspace so you can focus. And we'll also start setting up homes for your incoming paperwork and tasks. This way you can find it when you need it and you know exactly what needs to happen with it.

This may not seem like an obvious time saver but trust me, this is the foundation that all the other steps will build on.

No more miscellaneous piles

No more miscellaneous piles

I see it often. That pile of papers in your office or home that you keep moving around or avoiding. 

"I'll sort that stuff out later"

"I'll jut put it here for now"

Maybe its those emails clogging up your inbox or files all over the desktop screen on your computer.

You might shuffle them around every now and then, but generally, the pile just keeps gets bigger.

I'm an Organiser but I'm not a Neat Freak

I'm an Organiser but I'm not a Neat Freak

 Sometimes when I meet someone new and tell them that I'm a Professional Organiser, they ask me "so you must be pretty organised at home then?" And I agree, I am mostly organised and not a fan of clutter. But some people ask if I'm a neat freak, to which I reply a big, definite "No."

To-Do Lists - Part 2: Pen & Paper

To-Do Lists - Part 2: Pen & Paper

This week I want to look at the types of lists you can keep, more specifically the paper based methods. 

There's plenty of technology around that can be used for tasks and just as much talk about "going paperless". But I find just as many people are still more comfortable writing with pen and paper. It's usually quicker, and some say that you think differently when you write the "old fashioned way".